CLARA represents the interdisciplinary Center of Excellence, the first of its kind in Central and Eastern Europe, focusing on the next generation of artificial intelligence and machine learning applications and quantum-centric supercomputing tools to push the frontier of neurodegeneration research, particularly Alzheimer‘s disease, by processing large-scale multidimensional biological and clinical data using powerful supercomputers and quantum methods.
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There are over 50 million people worldwide living with dementia today, and this number is expected to reach 82 million by 2030. According to the World Alzheimer Report 2020, the global annual cost of dementia is estimated to be more than US$ 1 trillion and is forecasted to double by 2030.
We believe that Europe as a whole has the most up-to-date scientific and clinical knowledge to understand the complexities of neurodegeneration and to develop new technological and therapeutic innovations. Europe has long been a major driver of global innovation but has recently lagged behind in growth sectors and in areas of innovation such as genomics, quantum computing and artificial intelligence.
CLARA will use Europe’s full potential and contribute to change.
The grand challenge of vitality and longevity of neurons The conventional approach in dementia research to explain neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's is to focus on presumed mechanisms of neuronal dysfunction leading to failure in particular neural systems. CLARA wants to be more ahead of the curve and is therefore tasking a bold new question: What are the essential conditions to maintain optimal function, vitality, and longevity of neurons for over 100 years?
Show more HideIn CLARA, cutting-edge technologies meet groundbreaking research in neurodegenerative diseases (NDs). In CLARA, we explore the complex interactions between molecular, behavioural, and clinical aspects of NDs through the integration of Quantum Computing (QC), High-Performance Computing (HPC), and Hybrid Computing (HPCQC), powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). By harnessing deep domain expertise and processing large-scale biological and clinical data, CLARA aims to advance our understanding of these transformative technologies. Our work accelerates innovation in computing, tackling real-world challenges, and ultimately benefiting society.
Show more HideCLARA serves as a catalyst for cross-institutional and interdisciplinary collaboration, bringing together the best teams from diverse institutions under a shared scientific vision. By fostering strong connections between different disciplines and research organizations, CLARA ensures a flexible, transparent, and innovative approach to governance. Built on a solid legal and scientific foundation, CLARA establishes a groundbreaking organizational platform that unites top-tier R&D&I teams from across the Czech Republic and beyond, driving innovation and excellence.
Show more HideInternational Neurodegenerative Disorders Research Center (INDRC) je soukromý neziskový výzkumný ústav sdružující přední odborníky z oblasti neurodegenerace a umělé inteligence s cílem dosáhnout průlomu v léčbě a prevenci Alzheimerovy choroby a dalších neurodegenerativních onemocnění. INDRC bylo založeno v roce 2021 jako mezinárodní pracoviště s transparentním modelem řízení a novou organizací výzkumu v rámci ekosystému angažovaných partnerů, včetně univerzit, výzkumných ústavů, klinických center a spolupracujících firem. Více informací o výzkumném ústavu najdete na webových stránkách INDRC a na sociální síti LinkedIn.
INDRC buduje tým pro prestižní
evropský grant, který představuje mezioborové centrum excelence zaměřené na
použití umělé inteligence, kvantových počítačů a superpočítačů s cílem
posunout hranice výzkumu lidského mozku, jeho struktury, vazeb a
neurodegenerace, zejm. Alzheimerovy choroby. Díky průlomovým technologiím a
vědecko-výzkumné koncepci, projekt usiluje o propojení roztříštěných
oborových znalostí, rozsáhlých biologických a klinických dat, což přispěje k
lepšímu porozumění vzniku a prevence daných onemocnění.
Výše úvazku: |
1,0 úvazek nebo dle dohody |
Nástup: |
1.3.2025 nebo dle dohody |
Pracovněprávní vztah: |
Pracovní smlouva |
CLARA (Center for
Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing in System Brain Research) je
projektem evropského významu, který bude financován z evropské výzvy Teaming
for Excellence a zároveň z české části Teaming-CZ II vyhlášené Ministerstvem
školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy České republiky. Do projektu, zahrnujícího
evropskou i českou část dotace, hledáme novou kolegyni či kolegu na pozici
Hlavní projektový manažer.
Jaká bude vaše pracovní náplň?
Co musí mít vhodný kandidát?
Co děláme, nabízíme a čeho můžete být součástí i Vy?
Více informací zde: nebo
Máte zájem připojit se k našemu týmu? Zašlete nám do 14.2.2025 motivační dopis v anglickém jazyce, obsahující konkrétní zkušenosti a dále strukturovaný životopis v anglickém jazyce na email Zasedání výběrové komise spojení s interview vhodných kandidátů je plánováno na 18.2.2025.
The International Neurodegenerative Disorders Research Center (INDRC) is a private, not-for-profit research institute bringing together leading experts in neurodegeneration and artificial intelligence to achieve breakthroughs in the treatment and prevention of Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases. INDRC was established in 2021 as an international institute with a transparent governance model and a new research organization within an ecosystem of committed partners, including universities, research institutes, clinical centers and collaborating companies. For more information about the research institute, please visit the website and the social network LinkedIn.
The prestigious European CLARA grant, which is an interdisciplinary centre of excellence focused on the use of artificial intelligence, quantum computing and supercomputing to push the boundaries of research on the human brain, its structure, and neurodegeneration, in particular Alzheimer's disease. Through breakthrough technologies and scientific research design, the project aims to bring together fragmented disciplinary knowledge, large-scale biological and clinical data to contribute to a better understanding of the origins and prevention of these diseases
CLARA (Center for Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing in System Brain Research) is a project of European significance and will be funded by the European call Teaming for Excellence and the Czech part of Teaming-CZII announced by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.
We are looking for a new colleague to join the CLARA project, which includes both the European and Czech part of the subsidy, as a General Project Manager.
Amount of time: |
1,0 time or by agreement |
Start date: |
March 1, 2025 or by agreement |
Employment relationship: |
Employment contract |
What will be your job description?
What qualities must a suitable candidate have?
What do we do, what do we offer and what can you be a part of?
More information here: or
Interested in joining our team? Please send us a cover letter in English containing specific experience and a structured CV in English to by February 14, 2025. A meeting of the Selection Committee, together with an interview of suitable candidates, is scheduled for 18 February 2025.
Project title | Center for Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing in System Brain Research |
Acronym | CLARA |
ID code | 101136607 – call:
HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-01 CZ.02.01.01/00/23_029/0008437 - OP JAK (in the approval process) |
Total Budget | 43 mil. EUR: Horizon Europe: 15 mil. EUR OP JAK: 28 mil. EUR (in the approval process) |
Consortium |
Czech Republic: INDRC – International Neurodegenerative Disorders Research Center (Coordinator) CIIRC CTU – Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics CTU in Prague VSB-TUO – Technical University of Ostrava | IT4Innovations ICRC – International Clinical Research Center, St. Anne’s University Hospital Brno PBI - Paris Brain Institute, France LRZ – Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Germany |
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe Framework Programme under Grant Agreement No. 101136607.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.